“If a picture is worth 1000 words, a prototype is worth 1000 meetings.”
When it comes to show a prototype, nothing can be more vivid than a video.
My teammate and I were working on a paper prototyping assignment. Somehow, we decided to make some fun on this project. Because I have experience on editing photos and videos and my teammate is skillful at making paper models, we finally came up with a story that can showcase our skills.After one-week’s hard work, we finally completed our first stop-motion animation!!
It was super fun making this video, and even more fun watching it. Please lean back and enjoy!
"Many creative appropriate angle to draw user into scene to focal point."
"Great detail to video structure and creative titling explaining story, stop motion was a great way to tell this story."
"Very detailed ui and use of relevant sizing of mobile UI components."
"Great storytelling on a conceptual app."
"This is a stellar student example of what i was looking for in a Paper prototyping phase. "